Are There Mental Effects of Hearing Loss?

older man playing chess on bench lonelyWhen a loved one is experiencing hearing loss, the first things you often notice are the frequency they ask people to repeat themselves and how loud the TV always is. While these are the most common issues, there are others to look out for as well.

Social Isolation

This is common among empty-nesters, baby boomers and seniors. People who don’t regularly interact with others may find it increasingly difficult to do so later in life, but this trait becomes more apparent if they are experiencing hearing loss.

According to the National Council on Aging (NCOA), people with hearing loss are less likely to participate in social activities. Because of this isolation, they are more likely to develop depression or cognitive decline. 



A study in 2003 by NCOA showed individuals with hearing loss (treated or untreated) were 50% more likely to experience depression. Other studies have shown that women are more likely to experience symptoms of depression (lasting more than two weeks) than men. 


Cognitive Decline

Both depression and social isolation can increase the likelihood of cognitive decline, due to the lack of interaction those patients may be experiencing.

Studies at the University of Colorado have suggested that straining to understand sounds can become too much for the brain to process. This can lead to cognitive issues such as short-term memory loss and problem-solving skills.  

At Audio Help Hearing Centers, we want to help you stay active.  Contact our offices to learn more about how hearing wellness can improve your daily activities.