Ear Wax Removal

Excess ear wax can cause physical discomfort and temporary hearing loss. We never recommend using cotton swabs or other objects for ear wax removal because sticking anything in your ear canal may compact existing ear wax or puncture your eardrum.

The expert doctors of audiology at Audio Help Hearing Centers are trained to safely remove ear wax buildup so you can keep your ears and hearing aids clean.

Problems Caused by Ear Wax Buildup

Ear wax, or cerumen, is a natural substance your body creates in the outer portion of your ear canal to protect it from debris and germs. You need ear wax to protect your ears, but excessive amounts can be problematic.

Here are some common problems caused by ear wax buildup:

Conductive hearing loss: This type of hearing loss occurs when sound waves are blocked from traveling through the outer or middle ear. A blockage, like ear wax, can cause conductive hearing loss, but it can usually be treated by clearing the blockage.

Diplacusis: Also known as double hearing, diplacusis can result from too much ear wax. As wax builds up in your ear canal, it creates a natural earplug, making it difficult for the hair cells in your inner ear to perceive sounds accurately.

Presbycusis: This type of gradual hearing loss occurs as you age. Ear wax production increases as you get older, and dexterity issues can make it difficult to treat it on your own, so your ear wax may be contributing to your hearing loss.

Ear infections: Ear wax protects your inner ear from dirt, debris, and germs. However, too much of it can lead to frequent ear infections and ear pain.

Symptoms of an Ear Wax Blockage

  • Ear discomfort or mild pain
  • Reduced hearing
  • Tinnitus
  • A feeling of fullness in your ears
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Coughing

Treating Excess Ear Wax

Audiologists treat most ear wax cases. You will receive comprehensive and comfortable ear wax removal at Audio Help Hearing Centers. 

We offer ear wax removal in Columbus Circle, Chelsea Village, Park Avenue, Scarsdale, NY, and Stamford, CT.

We will ensure the impacted ear wax is removed safely to avoid injury and infection. We apply softening agents to loosen impacted ear wax and dislodge the blockage. Physical removal may also be necessary depending on the size and severity of the obstruction. We will flush your ear with warm water and use a suctioning device to remove the ear wax gently. Our audiologists may prescribe antibiotics to treat an infection if any inflammation or pus is present.

In rare situations, you may receive a referral to an ENT specialist if your ear wax is severely compacted or too close to your eardrum.

Improve Your Hearing Health with Ear Wax Removal

Contact Audio Help Hearing Centers online or call 888-832-9966 to schedule your ear wax removal appointment.

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