Hearing Aids – Not Just For Your Ears Anymore

whole body benefitsDid you know hearing aids aren’t just for your ears?

It’s true – today’s devices can benefit many other parts of the body and life in general. Audio Help Hearing Centers in New York City and Stamford, Connecticut take a look at some of the surprising ways hearing aids can help improve your quality of life in addition to the quality of your hearing ability.

  1. Improve relationships: It’s no surprise to most of us that communication is key to any relationship, whether it’s with family, friends or a significant other. It’s even less surprising that by better understanding them, you can have better conversations and deeper connections with them. A British study found that 44% of those with hearing loss reported their relationships suffered as a result of the communication difficulty. More than half of respondents felt left out of social gatherings. Improved hearing can put you back in the middle of the conversation.
  2. Feel better about yourself: It’s common for those with untreated hearing loss to struggle with depression. The isolation resulting from an inability to communicate effectively can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety.
  3. Stay upright: Studies have found that even mild hearing loss can triple your risk of experiencing a fall. That risk increases 140% for every 10 decibels of hearing loss. This hazard is due to a couple of factors. One, you’re generally less aware of your surroundings if you can’t hear properly and may bump into something or someone, losing your balance. Two, maintaining balance requires brain power that may be used up by straining to hear.
  4. Boost your brain: Wearing hearing aids has been shown to improve cognitive function, including memory. A University of Maryland study studied older adults with mild-to-moderate levels of hearing loss. Some of them were given hearing aids, while others were not. After six months, researchers found higher scores in memory, attention and the speed in which they processed information.
  5. Lessen your dementia risk: Those with hearing loss are significantly more likely to develop Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Hearing loss leads to the shrinking of the portion of the brain responsible for hearing and memory. Researchers also believe the connection may be due to the brain being overwhelmed by constantly straining to decipher sounds, which leaves the brain susceptible to dementia.
  6. Make more money: A large study found that individuals with hearing loss who do not wear hearing devices make an average of $12,000 less than those who wear them. Further, these individuals who don’t wear hearing aids are twice as likely to be unemployed as those who choose to wear them.

For more information on how Audio Help services can improve your quality of life, call us at 888-290-1194 or schedule an appointment online.