Adjusting To Hearing Aids

Adjusting to hearing aids can be a bit of a journey, but it’s worth it because they can make a big difference in how you hear and enjoy the world around you. When you first get hearing aids, everything might sound strange or too loud. This is because your brain needs time to get used to hearing sounds it hasn’t heard well in a while. 

Imagine wearing new shoes. At first, they might feel slightly uncomfortable, but after wearing them for a few days, your feet get used to them, and soon they feel just right. Hearing aids are similar. Your ears and brain need some time to adjust, but with patience and practice, you’ll start noticing all the sounds you missed, like birds chirping, your friend’s voice, or even the rustling of leaves.

It’s important to wear your hearing aids every day, even if it initially feels weird. Start by wearing them in quiet places and gradually move to noisier areas. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your audiologist if something doesn’t feel right. They can adjust the settings to make the hearing aids more comfortable.

Are Two Hearing Aids Better Than One?

Wearing hearing aids in both ears instead of just one can help you hear better no matter where sounds are coming from. It also makes it easier to understand what people are saying, even in noisy places. When you use two hearing aids, sounds are usually louder and clearer.

Think of it like wearing glasses. If one of the lenses is missing, it would be much harder to see clearly. The same goes for hearing aids. 

If you only wear one, you won’t hear as well as with both. So, having a hearing aid in each ear helps you hear your best, just like having lenses on both sides of your glasses helps you see clearly.

Hearing Aid Technology

Hearing aids with digital signal processing (DSP) make it easier to hear people talking, even when there’s a lot of noise around. These hearing aids can automatically turn down the background noise when it gets too loud. This helps you focus on what someone is saying without getting distracted by other sounds. People who wear DSP hearing aids often feel less stressed because the extra noises are quieter, and the speech sounds clearer.

Using FM Technology

Hearing better with FM technology involves two main parts:

1. FM Receiver: This part sends sounds from speakers directly to your ears.

2. FM Transmitter: This part picks up someone’s voice and sends it to the FM receiver. It can be something on a table, a handheld device, or a small microphone.

FM technology is super helpful because it makes the speaker’s voice much louder than the background noise. Many behind-the-ear hearing aids use FM technology with a wireless transmitter to help you hear better in noisy places.

How To Hear Better in Restaurants With Your Hearing Aids

Eating out at restaurants can be tough for people with hearing loss. 

Here are some tips to help you hear better while dining out:

1. Choose Quiet Restaurants: Try to pick places that aren’t too noisy. Avoid sports bars, which are usually loud. Look for restaurants with things like carpet, curtains, tablecloths, and panels on the walls and ceilings to help absorb sound.

2. Pick a Good Spot to Sit: Sit away from the front door, the areas where they clean up dishes, and the kitchen. These spots are usually louder.

3. Ask for Help: Don’t be shy about asking the staff to turn down the music. It can make it easier for you to hear your friends and family.

Following these tips, you can enjoy your meal without struggling to hear!

Audiologists In NYC

Remember, everyone’s experience is different. Some people get used to their hearing aids quickly, while others take a bit more time. The key is to be patient and give yourself the chance to adapt. Soon, you’ll be hearing the world in a whole new way!

Audio Help Hearing Centers prides itself on delivering specialized hearing solutions in New York and various key locations. 

Audiologists at Audio Help Hearing Centers are committed to providing a wide selection of hearing aids to address your needs. 

Audio Help has three New York City offices conveniently located in Manhattan (Chelsea Village, Columbus Circle, and Park Avenue) and additional offices in Scarsdale, NY (Westchester County) and Stamford, CT.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation!