How to Avoid NIHL on Independence Day

What are your plans for the upcoming Independence Day holiday? If you’re like many Americans, you’ll be celebrating the birth of our great country with loved ones at an event that may include loud music and fireworks.

Our NYC audiologists at Audio Help Hearing Centers, with three locations in the New York City area, would like to remind you that noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is the number one cause of hearing loss, and can be caused by sounds above 85 decibels. Fireworks measure between 140 and 165 decibels, which means just one minute of exposure has the potential to cause permanent damage to your hearing.

Fortunately, NIHL can be prevented. We offer custom ear plugs and molds, to protect your hearing in a variety of different situations.

The Hearing Health Foundation suggests that you “Walk, block and turn.”

  • Walk – Walk away! Keep your distance from speakers or other sources of loud sounds.
  • Block – Use ear protection to reduce the volume of the sounds if you’re not able to walk away.
  • Turn – Whenever possible, turn the volume down.

If you suspect you’ve already sustained hearing loss, or if you’re interested in our custom hearing protection products, schedule an appointment at Park Avenue, Scarsdale or Chelsea Village locations.

Our expert NYC audiologists at Audio Help Hearing Centers wish you and yours a safe and happy Independence Day.