Navigating Hearing Loss During The Holidays

Your holiday checklist may be jam-packed with shopping, gift wrapping, and decorating. But before you check the next item off your list, take a moment to consider your hearing. 

There’s nothing better than catching up with your loved ones during the holidays, but hearing loss will make conversation difficult. Now is the time to act so you don’t miss out on any festivities.

Giving the Gift of Hearing

If you don’t wear hearing aids, now is a good time to see an audiologist. They can help you find the best way to improve your hearing.

Hearing aids make it easier for your brain to understand sounds and keep your mind active. This helps you stay social and lowers the risk of feeling alone or getting dementia. Since your ears also help you balance, fixing hearing problems can help prevent falls.

At Audio Help, we believe better hearing leads to a better life.

Improving your hearing is a great gift for yourself and your loved ones because it helps you communicate better. It might take some time to get used to new hearing aids, so start using them before the holidays.

Know Before You Go

Preparation is key, especially during loud, festive parties. Check out the venue before the party or arrive early to determine the best hearing locations.

Look for things like:

  • Carpeted floors and drapes that will help absorb background noise
  • Rooms and seats away from speakers or loud music
  • Quiet spots for one-on-one conversations away from the kitchen or dining room

Traveling with Hearing Loss

Busy airports can be hard to hear in. Keep all your hearing aid equipment and accessories in your carry-on bag. Print your tickets and boarding passes before you go to the airport. This will help you avoid any misunderstandings in the noisy airport.

Best Communication Practices

Don’t let your hearing affect a single moment of holiday magic. Be open about your hearing loss, and speak up for yourself. Your loved ones will be glad you did, and conversations will be easier for everyone involved.

Try these tips to help boost your hearing:

  • Ask people to get your attention before speaking to you
  • Stand closer to read facial expressions and lips during conversations
  • Indicate you need someone to speak louder by tapping your ear

Assistive Listening Devices and Hearing Aid Accessories

 If you need an extra hearing boost, consider using hearing accessories such as: 

Table mics 

These assistive listening devices amplify people’s voices near the receiver and send audio to your hearing aids. They’re excellent for enhancing voices around the dinner table, especially those seated away from you.

TV streamer 

A TV streamer is another helpful hearing accessory that transmits audio directly into your hearing aids. Plug the adapter into your TV and enjoy your favorite holiday shows and movies at the perfect volume for your ears.

Audiologists and Hearing Aids In NYC

If you need to see an audiologist and get fitted for hearing aids, we can help.

Audio Help Hearing Centers connect you to expert audiologists with years of experience. 

We carry a wide selection of hearing aids, hearing aid accessories, and assistive listening devices in New York.

Audio Help has three New York City offices conveniently located in Manhattan (Chelsea Village, Columbus Circle, and Park Avenue) and additional offices in Scarsdale, NY (Westchester County) and Stamford, CT.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation!