Audio Help Hearing Center | Importance of Hearing Tests

Research has shown that untreated hearing loss can significantly increase your risk of developing dementia, Alzheimer’s, or even depression. Most adults get their hearing tested in grade school but rarely afterward. 

Hearing loss can occur gradually, so you may face profound hearing loss without realizing it. Hearing is as important as your eyesight to ensure your safety and well-being. 

Five Reasons To Get A Hearing Test

Getting a hearing test is important for several reasons. Prioritizing hearing health through regular testing promotes better communication, enhances overall well-being, and preserves auditory function for the long term.

Below are five key reasons to get your hearing tested by an audiologist:

#1 Your Hearing Changes with Age

Hearing loss is a natural part of the aging process and happens to everyone. However, head injuries, regular exposure to loud noises, and certain medical conditions may increase your likelihood of hearing loss.

You should get your hearing tested every ten years until you’re 50 and every year if you’re older. A hearing evaluation allows your audiologist to determine the type and severity of your hearing loss so they can prescribe the best treatment.

#2 Prevent Further Hearing Loss

You can complete a preliminary hearing screening on our website. If the results indicate a possible hearing problem, you can make an appointment with one of our audiologists to get a comprehensive hearing test in the office.

Once your audiologist identifies the cause of your condition, they will make lifestyle recommendations to prevent further hearing damage. They may also suggest hearing aids to amplify and clarify sounds and improve your auditory processing.

#3 Protect Your Overall Health

Hearing loss is sometimes caused by other diseases called comorbidities. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease are common hearing loss comorbidities.

Your audiologist will review your medical history during your hearing evaluation to determine if you have any medical conditions affecting your hearing loss. Completing a comprehensive hearing evaluation may also identify a health problem you didn’t know you had.

#4 Lower Your Risk for Falls and Injuries

Your ears help regulate your spatial awareness and balance, so untreated hearing loss increases your risk of falling. It’s important to tell your audiologist if you’ve experienced any dizziness or vertigo, as it may be a sign of hearing loss. The results of your hearing test can help you understand your balance issues so you can make the necessary lifestyle changes to stay safe.

#5 Improve Your Social Life

Hearing loss can make you feel excluded from conversations and social gatherings. Your audiologist will review your audiogram results once you’ve completed your hearing evaluation to define the severity of your condition. They can recommend hearing aids to suit your needs and improve your social engagement, which will enable you to join conversations with others more easily. You could even rebuild lost or damaged relationships that have been affected by your hearing loss.

Audiologists & Hearing Aids In NYC

Audio Help Hearing Centers prides itself on delivering specialized hearing solutions through personalized service and hearing aid technology provided by New York City’s top hearing professionals. 

The expert audiologists at Audio Help Hearing Centers are committed to providing you with comprehensive hearing tests. We want to ensure you have a pleasant experience and feel comfortable during your appointment. 

Our audiologists are always ready to answer questions and make treatment recommendations based on your needs.

Audio Help has three New York City offices conveniently located in Manhattan (Chelsea Village, Columbus Circle, and Park Avenue) and additional offices in Scarsdale, NY (Westchester County) and Stamford, CT.