Vertigo Treatment in NYC

Audio Help Hearing Centers provide vertigo diagnosis and treatment in NYC. Our audiology clinics are conveniently located in Manhattan (Chelsea Village, Columbus Circle, and Park Avenue), with additional offices in Scarsdale, NY (Westchester County), and Stamford, CT.

Vertigo is feeling like you or the things around you are spinning or moving when they are not. It can make you feel dizzy or off-balance. Sometimes, vertigo happens because of problems in the inner ear, where your balance is controlled.

Audiologists at Audio Help Hearing Centers are expert hearing doctors in NYC who can help with hearing and balance problems. We use special tests to check how well your ears are working. These tests can show if vertigo might be linked to issues with your inner ear.

Hearing loss and vertigo are two conditions that can sometimes be connected.  Both hearing and balance are controlled by the inner ear. Issues like infections or damage to the inner ear can affect both hearing and balance, leading to vertigo.

If you or someone you know experiences both hearing loss and vertigo, it’s essential to see an audiologist.

We can help diagnose the underlying causes and recommend the best treatment options to improve both hearing and balance.

Symptoms of Vertigo

Vertigo can happen suddenly and can last for a few seconds, minutes, or even hours. It can happen because of problems in your inner ear, like an infection or crystals that move out of place.

Below are some of the common symptoms of vertigo:

  • Spinning Sensation: You might feel like everything around you is moving or spinning, even when you’re standing still.
  • Loss of Balance: It can be hard to stay steady on your feet. You might feel unsteady or like you’re going to fall.
  • Nausea or Vomiting: Vertigo can make you feel sick to your stomach. You might feel like you need to throw up.
  • Sweating: Some people sweat a lot when they have vertigo, especially if the dizziness is intense.
  • Headaches: You might get headaches that come and go with the vertigo.
  • Ringing in the Ears: Some people hear a ringing or buzzing sound in their ears when they have vertigo.
  • Vision Problems: Your vision might blur, or you might have trouble focusing on things.

Causes of Vertigo

There are a few common reasons why people might experience vertigo:

  1. Inner Ear Problems: Your inner ear helps you keep your balance. Sometimes, tiny crystals inside your ear can get out of place. This can send confusing signals to your brain about your body’s position, causing vertigo.
  2. Viral Infections: Certain viruses can affect the inner ear. They might cause inflammation or fluid buildup, which can disturb your balance and make you feel dizzy.
  3. Head Injuries: If you hit your head hard, it can affect your inner ear or the nerves that help with balance. This can lead to vertigo.
  4. Medicine Side Effects: Some medications can make you feel dizzy or affect your balance, leading to vertigo as a side effect.
  5. Migraines: Sometimes, people who have migraines might also experience vertigo along with headaches. It’s part of how their brain reacts to the migraine.
  6. Other Health Conditions: Conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, or even anxiety disorders can sometimes cause vertigo or make it worse.

Vertigo Diagnosis and Treatment 

When we start checking your health, we need to know your medical history very well. This helps us understand your health better.

We also perform different tests to find out what’s going on. The tests check your inner ear and brain carefully. Sometimes, we need to do more than one test to know exactly what’s happening.

Here are the tests we perform for vertigo diagnosis:

  • VNG or ENG – video-nystagmography
  • ENG – electronstagmography
  • Motion Testing

After your diagnosis, audiologists at Audio Help Hearing will make a treatment plan for you. This plan includes special exercises you can do at home. These exercises are part of your individual treatment plan.

The treatment plan may include:

  1. Canalith Repositioning: This helps with BPPV, which is a type of vertigo.
  2. Vestibular Therapy: This is for problems with your balance system that haven’t been compensated for yet.
  3. Oscillopsia Therapy: This helps with a visual problem that causes things to look like they’re moving when they’re not.

These therapies are designed to help you feel better and improve your balance and vision. Your audiologist will explain everything and help you with your exercises to make sure you’re doing them right.

Audio Help Hearing Centers | Vertigo Treatment in NYC 

If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of vertigo or vestibular dysfunction, schedule an appointment at Audio Help Hearing Centers today.

Our audiology clinics are conveniently located in Manhattan (Chelsea Village, Columbus Circle, and Park Avenue), with additional offices in Scarsdale, NY (Westchester County), and Stamford, CT.